We are pleased to welcome yet another consultant to our Stockholm office, namely Ulrika Mehrotra, who will be joining in the next few days. Ulrika has many years of experience in recruiting, mainly managers and senior specialists from several different industries, partly as an internal “corporate recruiter” and in recent years as a consultant in executive search. In previous roles, she has been responsible for recruitment and employer branding both strategically and operationally, and internationally. Through employment at e.g., COWI, NCC, Folksam and Åhléns, she has acquired a solid understanding of industries such as construction and property development, insurance, and retail. Ulrika has a bachelor’s degree. from Linjen för personal- och arbetslivsfrågor and a degree from IHR, Institutet för Högre Kommunikations- och Reklamutbildning and is certified in various personal assessment instruments.
Welcome Carl Frögelius – our new Knowledge Partner in Tech!
At Headlight International, we have spent 25 years developing an outstanding network of sources. At the same time, we